Greetings once again fellow citizens. In case you're wondering, that is not a typo in the last word of my title. With all that we have learned since COVID-19 more than 4 years ago, I, and others (you may have heard or seen it too) can confidently say that the so-called pandemic was planned and not even an actual pandemic (plandemic).
The WHO, CDC, certain unelected officials, and most if not all of the mainstream media, manipulated, fudged, stretched, exaggerated, conned, bribed, changed, censored speech, and sometimes outright lied, to make Americans think it was a pandemic worth violating the constitution with various mandates. On a global, national, and certain state levels, it was more about power and control than actually caring about lives.
As tragic as it was and sometimes still is that loved ones passed away, but what was also sad was not letting close relatives see their loved ones in Nursing Homes, Hospitals, and Funerals. Comments through Memes or otherwise have been circulating for months saying "we know another pandemic is coming, and they know that we know another pandemic is coming" or something similar. If you think that any of the so-called 'earthly powers that be' really cared about your health, or that it was even a real pandemic while they were at times caught behind the scenes not wearing masks or social distancing and letting people flood over the southern border during, you may need to get your head out of the sands of distraction and mainstream media lies.
The thing is, in general, we as American citizens failed the test. Don't we realize that they tried to use previous "viruses" to see if we would be scared enough to let them shut down the country? But they couldn't yet- until 'they' conditioned us better. My State of Alabama may not have been quite as bad as other States, but still bad enough. I've said it before, and I'll keep on saying it, if people don't want to get near others in situations like that, if people want to wear masks even though they were shown through studies in other countries (why other countries, hmm?) that they don't work (and if they do, why worry about those that don't wear them if you wear them?), if you want to get a dangerous vaccine, fine- you have the right to do that.
But it's unconstitutional to mandate it- period! I have contacted my State Representative more than once about coming up with a law that says that the WHO, CDC, and State Health Department cannot mandate businesses shutting down, wearing masks, getting vaccines etc. [ Alabama Mandate Restriction Bill ] Interestingly, earlier this year, Alabama State Representative Brock Colvin proposed a bill about mandates where it still sits 'in committee.' Not only do we need bills like that in Alabama and other States, but we also need to pressure them to stop the business-as-usual nonsense including other State Representatives not knowing about bills and being able to vote on them until it gets out of some committee. But I digress (do you like that term? :-)).Â
    Unless or until folks get busy and start regularly contacting their elected officials, proposed laws to stop the nonsense will stay 'in committees' if they even get proposed. This is general election year.
It should be painfully obvious already that leftists and the deep state will do anything they can to stay in power. Another 'plandemic' might help them stay in power (in other words, make the election closer so it won't be as obvious if they cheat again), and they know we 'caved' on it in 2020. Are you ready for another one? What are you going to do about it? Lord willing, see ya next time :-).
Pester Brat is the Founder & Director of Concerned Constitutional Patriots of America. He's "Pester Brat" on most social media platforms including His email is